
Showing posts from June, 2014



Just Married


All iIn A Day's Work & Messages From Heaven

Beautiful day here in Florida today and as always,  and today I was reminded of how a day can deliver both expected and unexpected challenges as well as joys. Lots of gardening work being done on the property today and then the phone call comes from outside:  "Miss Ruth, one of my workers tripped over a pipe by your well and it broke.  I'm afraid you'll have to call a plumber.  And we had to shut your water off." Well, the good news is, I wasn't in the shower or doing laundry at that moment, right?  :)  Was without water for about 5 hours, but no biggie. The pipes are fixed, well pump working again, and all is well.  :) After the well workers left and the gardeners left, I sat for a bit on the couch to chill and lo and behold I found almost TEN old messages from my dad on my cell phone.   Oh my...  To my surprise I did not cry.   I breathed/sighed deeeeeply , but mostly I smiled .  A lot.   (Okay... NOW I'm teari...