All iIn A Day's Work & Messages From Heaven

Beautiful day here in Florida today and as always, 
and today I was reminded of how a day can deliver both expected and unexpected challenges as well as joys.

Lots of gardening work being done on the property today and then the phone call comes from outside:  "Miss Ruth, one of my workers tripped over a pipe by your well and it broke.  I'm afraid you'll have to call a plumber.  And we had to shut your water off."

Well, the good news is, I wasn't in the shower or doing laundry at that moment, right?  :)  Was without water for about 5 hours, but no biggie.
The pipes are fixed, well pump working again, and all is well.  :)

After the well workers left and the gardeners left, I sat for a bit on the couch to chill and lo and behold I found almost TEN old messages from my dad on my cell phone.  

Oh my...  To my surprise I did not cry.  

I breathed/sighed deeeeeply, but mostly I smiled.  A lot.  
(Okay... NOW I'm tearing up).  

What a blessing to hear him again saying "Well hello my dear Rootie.  (my nickname from childhood that's stuck through adulthood) 
I'm just calling to see how my baby girl is doing way out there in the country.  Give me a call when you have a minute.  Love you, sweetie and God bless you."

What a blessing to hear that dear man's voice again.  A serendipitous find to say the least.

Unexpected well pipe repair:  $123.00.
Unexpected messages from my sweet (and very missed) dad:  PRICELESS.

Love 'em while you've got 'em, people.  Love 'em while you've got 'em.  



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