Furniture Periods Chart

Louise XIV, 1643-1715 (Baroque)
Influenced by Renaissance an Chinese: Ornate. Straight lines, heavy carving, rectangular forms, tortoise shell and ebony inlays, tapestries, velvets.  Decorative use: very elegant drawing rooms. Occasional pieces, large homes, hotels where dignity is desired. For show.

Image credit by (Silk Road Collection)

Louis XV, 1724-1744 (Rococo)
Influenced by Louis XIV, Chinese, Mme.Pompadour, Mme.DuBarry: Curved lines, shells, female form, scrolls. Small, graceful. Cabriole legs, inlays. Decorative use: Feminime rooms. Fastidious elegance with oriental rugs.

Louis XVI, 1774-1793 (Classic)
Influenced by Marie Antoinette, Riesener, the English, Italian Renaissance: Straight, few long curves. Dainty, small, light, Fluted and reed legs. Garlands, urns, wreaths medallions, cupid’s bow, lover’s knots. Rectangular and ovals. Delicate damasks, brocades, satins. Cherubs, lovebirds, flowers. Decorative uses: Any room, particularly bedrooms. Feminime rooms with scenic  wallpaper

French Provincial, 1715-1793
Influenced by court styles, climate, cost: Lender, graceful curves. Ladder back chairs. Center back panel with open work medallion. Cabriole legs, with round and square paters. Large chests, walnut, frit woods, simple style. Decorative uses: Informal rooms. Bedrooms, with early American and less formal Louis XV.

Directoire, 1795-1799
Influenced by Classic, Louis XIV, Classic Roman, Pompeian, Egyptian: Broad, straight and curved lines. Lacquer. Lozenges, stars, brass arrows, black and gold and white. Eagles, swags, tassels, cap of Liberty. Tri-colored cockade. Square tapering or curved legs without support. Decorative uses: Foral living rooms, dining roos, bed rooms, library. Simple. Blends with most periods, can be combined with modern.


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