
First need of the nursery are a crib, with a firm mattress, chifferobe for baby’ clothes and a  and for blankets and linen. The bassinet should be discarded as soon as the baby need no longer be wheeled in it.

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A collapsible bathinet of rubber canvas or aluminum with a top that folds over is important for bathing the baby and dressing him for the first year or so. You will also need an extra cabinet in the kitchen for bottles, jars, and baby accessories.

A chest, colorful wastebasket, butter tub, or box for baby’s toys will be handy after the first six months. A baby chair is necessary at about 4 to 7 months. These now come in table form, 30 inches high, to minimize the danger of a fall. This can later converted into a play table.

Special colorful window shades, drapes, lamps and accessories are available. Many novelties may be made with wallpaper and decalcomanias on window or lamp shades. Linoleum is the preferred floor covering. Washable cotton or fiber rugs or scatter rugs may be added to give color. Wall coverings too, should be washable material-paper, fabric, linoleum or tile.

When baby shares the master bedroom his area may be cut off by the arrangement of the furniture, by screens, or even by draw curtains topped by valance.

Wall plaques for a child’s room may be made with an amusing decalcomania. Transfer decalcomania to the glass and paint the reserve side. Aluminum or bronze pant will reflect the figure as in a mirror. Frame the glass.


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