Window Treatment Tips

Roller Shades-linen, Chintz, Plastic : May be plain, in printed chintz, in solid colors to match or contrast, with designs from draperies or slip-covers pasted on, or with various colored strips pasted on, or with decalcoanias applied. Seasonal design may be pasted or taped on and later removed. Inexpensive. Uses: for bathrooms, children’s rooms, playrooms, with curtain or drapes.

Image credit by (wockerjabby)

Venetian blinds:  Available in aluminum, steel, plastic and wood in many colors. Tapes may be matching or contrasting colors. Tend to catch dust. Uses: with draperies or curtains or just a valance. Add width to a room because  of horizontal design. 

Split bamboo shades: natural color, May roll up and down or install as vertical traverse curtain. Uses: for informal or Chinese motif .For playrooms, summer rooms.

Woven wood: Available as shades or traverse curtain. Various colors, but usually used in natural tones, Uses: Modern, formal or informal rooms. Playrooms.

Vertical venetian blinds: In fabric, fiber glass or special plastics. Roll up like shades but are generally kept down. Turn 180 degrees to let in light. Translucent can be draped. Uses: Very new, can be used in any type room.

Nylon, rayon or cotton curtains: chiffon, dotted Swiss, organdy, embroidered, voile, dimity: may be hung in cottage sets (one for each window), full length, ruffled, tied back or tailored to hang straight. Sheer. Admit light. May be too transparent. Uses: With or without shades, blinds, or drapers. For almost any window, particularly in kitchen, dining nooks.


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