Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress

The mattress is the most important single thing in the bedroom. It is here that we read at night, propped up on pillows, and it is here that we spend up to a third of our lives. On the mattress we snooze, convalesce, make love, daydream, play with our children, nurse the baby, chat, and snuggle. The mattress must be up to such important and life-affirming tasks. 

Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress


 It's wise to select the mattress before choosing the bed frame, the headboard, and all of the bed linens. While the bed "dress- ing" is important. the comfort and appropriateness of the mattress is paramount. Mattresses vary in thickness, too, and some super-padded mattresses may not fit an antique bed or a simple Mission-style wooden bed.


The measurements of the bed may be restricted and governed by the size of the room. For one or two peo- pie, a queen-sized bed usually works best, but some partners love the snug fit of a double bed. A king-sized bed sounds grand, but professionals say the large size often looks ungainly and overwhelming in a bedroom. But for those families that like to breakfast in bed, read Sunday papers in bed, or snuggle up and watch TV or a video together, a king-size may be perfect.

Different Needs

When two people sleeping together like or need different kinds of mattresses, there may be a way of pleasing both. Two twin-sized or double beds (of different densities) can be combined beneath one "pillow-top" mattress pad. MEASUREMENTS Taking careful measurements Of the room before purchasing the mattress and bed frame will prevent nasty surprises — like discovering that the bed length or width will not fit along a narrow wall, between two doors, or along a side wall as planned.

Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress


It’s budget-wise to buy the best mattress that fits the pocketbook. It's definitely worth looking at the very best mattresses available — to compare quality and see what might be lost by spending less. The very finest mattresses, which will last for a lifetime, are custom-crafted, and entirely handmade. The heavy-gauge steel springs are hand-tied, and the stuffing is in thick layers of natural fibers. The edges and the buttons are all hand-stitched. (Some shoppers also check that a fine mattress is free of formaldehyde and fluorocarbons. said by some to emit harmful gasses — check with the manufacturer.) But some off-the-rack mattresses come close in comfort and quality. 


Is a box spring really necessary? Lt’s a personal choice — and sometimes an aesthetic one. Padded box springs add to the comfort and cozy feeling of a bed. Placing the mattress directly on the slats of a bed frame gives it a firm base, and gives the bed a spare, understated look.

Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress


There are so many different styles of mattresses that it is important to look at a broad selection. Mattresses and beds like those made by Dux, for example, have unique construction and a comforting, pillow-y mattress topper. Dux stores encourage customers to slip off their shoes and try each bed. Other mattresses go all the way from extra firm to squishy, soft. and foamy, with broad varia- tians in price, construction, and materials. 

Extra Comfort

Even the best mattress can be made more comfortable — and durable. Stores and catalogs now offer a wide range of pillow-top pads and mattress pads (plumped with cotton, wool, or synthetic fibers), along with cozy merino-wool fleece mattress pads, foam (not especially long-lasting), cotton-pile chenille (durable and soft), and even down-filled and silk floss-filled pads. Some sleepers find the ultimate cushioning with a feather bed — a down-and - feather-filled pad that is inches thick and extremely supportive. (It's sensible to check that fitted sheets will fit over both the pad and the mattress before purchasing the feather bed or an extra- fluffy plush wool pile pad.).

Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress


To keep the mattress in tip-top shape, it is best not to sit on the edges. Keep a chair near the bed. Mattress protector sheets and pads of varying fabrics will protect the mattress from spilled tea and other mishaps of breakfast in bed.


While not strictly classified as mattresses, cotton and wool futons serve as very comfortable sleepers for many space-conscious people. Usually made of stitched cotton batting, or available in wool, the futon can be draped over a frame to form a chair or a sofa during the day, thus saving space. Construction should be somewhat firm so that the batting is not loose or lumpy.


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