
Revisiting the potting bench and a year has come and gone!

Coming up for air, after not blogging since the end of May, has been a relief as well as frustrating to say the blog anniversary would have been celebrated July 6, one year of pure pleasure and self discovery mostly....about the rewards and insights gained by connecting to a vast world of brilliant and talented, and extremely kind people, unknown to me prior to that date...the move from our home to commence renovations after many years of living in the same house has been over whelming...I have been packing, editing and sorting and distributing since January! We are now situated about fifteen minutes away, and darting back home to Jordan every day to water the gardens...the heat wave has hit here as well, to check up on the demolition which began last week....the entire first floor is gutted to the studs, kitchen, dining, living room, two baths and three bedrooms..the roof, windows, doors, interior and exterior, trim, and design layout reconfigured..a garden room is being ad





Sweeeet candy:)

Вторую супер-долгоиграющую конфету, объявляю открытой! Количество ПЧ достигло 5000 человек! Спасибо вам, мои дорогущие читатели! Мне безумно приятно. Конфету разыграем в сентябре, даже, скорее всего, в октябре:)) По многочисленным просьбам разыграем лошадку:) Какую - естественно, не скажу:) Заносим данные в табличку ниже. Пишем комментарии. Делаем перепост у себя в блоге или на странице Вконтакте.  В строку " Your URL : " - копируйте полностью адрес страницы. Удачи!:)

Petite princess: Matilda.


Peony Fluff

Yesterday, our temperature soared to 36 degrees Celsius, here in Niagara....and in the course of less than 48 hours the peonies went from buds to blooms! It was so hot and the humidity stifling, that I had to cut all the blooms at the risk of losing them overnight... ....our weather is continuing to be so unpredictable and by mid June I am fearful that the garden will be spent.....everything will have finished the growing cycle for the year.... ....I was able to fill a large zinc bucket and another sap bucket full of the cut blooms.... ....three plants growing in partial shade have still to bloom, so the peony parade isn't over as yet! I was surprised, since our winter was very mild, the plants yielded bountiful bouquets..... .....Perfect for a early June wedding...... ....they look like fluffs of meringue..... ....a small delicate wisp of porcelain vine, adds just a touch of movement and interest.... .....could see this in a bridal bouquet, don't you think? ......such short li

A Shade Palette

The blooms which I am enjoying in the garden at the moment, are primarily from the flowering shrubs and trees which predominate here, growing in the shade of the Carolinian forest surrounding us on the Niagara escarpment.... The Chinese peony, the tempermental princess in early Spring... ....she reigns over the garden for a very fleeting moment, it seems..... today, gone tomorrow, depending on the weather, humidity and rains and wind being her capricious instigation for what she will do next.... soon as the roseum elegans rhododendrons, which border the woodland gardens appear, she disappears.... about the same time the Pink Cloud kolkwitzia tree and the white flowering deutzia shrubs bloom for a substantially longer period of time, adding to the soft, lavender and pink and white colour palette.... can see the roof of the carriage house peaking over the pale pink blossoms..... ....a misty morning view of the south border, with the laden dow