
As If We Didn't Already Love Etsy Enough...

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Sower's blog This is going to be a quickie-post because the point of this is to get you  OFF my blog  and ON to some of the blogs and Etsy shops  participating in the few-days-long help for Haiti event. I found out yesterday about it all from my  friend Rosemary from Ozma of Odds  and  you can read her blog post about it and see a listing of just some of the Etsy shops participating (though the list is GROWING by the minute). Here are two other blogs to check out with info on this: A good place to start, is here: Rebbeca Sower and then Angela Harris and  Jen of Sanctuary Arts There are links on Angela's and on Rosemary's blogs to many of the Etsy shops participating, so you can start there! If ever there were a time when your wish-lists at Etsy can also do some real good,  NOW is the time! Thanks for listening --  and thanks for being part of  Etsy-for-Haiti! ~Ruth~

For All Of Us Who Can't Decide HOW We Want To Wear Our Hair...

Always wondered how you'd look with Taylor Swift's head of big, blonde, curly locks? Or dream of having Jennifer Aniston's smooth, perfectly tamed and voluminous mane? All you have to do is upload a photo of yourself and then "try on" any number of celebrity styles to see which one is "you".   Have a little fun with this next time you're tempted to lop off all your hair or get out that box of hair color you've had stashed in the bathroom cabinet for months... It's free and it'll save you months of heartache by not ending up with a style/color you hate!   Now, if only changes in our look could really be this easy! Click HERE to visit the site where you can see how you look with all sorts of celebrity hair styles! Have fun! ~Ruth~ P.S. - Me, I'm staying with what I have -- after all it hasn't even been a year since I went back to my dark hair from blonde -- so, I'm good for now.

It's Here -- The First Issue of 2010 Jeanne d'Arc Living!

Fresh off the truck of my UPS guy, are cases of the new Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine  AND some more of the Christmas 2009 magazine (issue #6) because we are still getting  requests for that one  as well! Just wanted to let you know! If you weren't among those who reserved a copy of the first new issue of the year and want to purchase a copy now, you may click HERE .    Things are spinning around here and I am just soooo sorry I have been so remiss in my blogging. I don't make New Years resolutions typically, but I have definitely been thinking that if anything, I promise to be MUCH more frequent and consistent in my blogging (as life permits) and feel free to hold me to that!   :) Just wanted to pop in and let you know that THE   EAGLE   MAGAZINE HAS LANDED!    Woo - hoo! XOXO, Ruth

The One Woman I Hope To Meet One Day...

Rachel Barkey was a young woman with two small children who lost her battle with breast cancer early in July of this year. She gave a talk to a large group of women back in March of this year that has now been viewed/heard by countless thousands of women via the website Death Is Not I was introduced to Rachel and her story sometime last Spring via another site I frequent (John Piper's website, Desiring God ) and have watched/listened to the video of her talk that day in March so many times I have honestly lost count.  If I had to guess, I'd say I've heard it and absorbed it no less than 50 times. Rachel's words go straight to the heart of women --  what moves us, what we value, and how we view ourselves. Those in my life often hear me speak of the need to "hold things in this life very loosely" - and to "never lose sight of the bigger picture that our lives are"  and to steer clear of the kind of thinking that is bound up in what we con

Merry Christmas From My House To Yours...

My, my this has been a long time coming... and when you see the picture quality (or should I say severe LACK of quality) you'll wonder why I even bothered!  ;) I snapped these pics last week and have only just culled through them and edited what I felt were the most "viewable" -- which should tell you a little something about how bad the rest were!!    I took these pics during the evening and that was my biggest mistake, and since then I've just not found the time to go back and retake them -- and in some cases, I've alway tweaked some of the vignettes and I actually like the "tweaked way" better, but again, no time to do new pics -- but that's okay.    But all in all, in kind of a little stroll through some of the house... we'll start on the porch then come in and peek into some of the rooms and around some corners...   CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SLIDESHOW The party we had last Friday night (given by my daughter and a friend of hers) was HUGE but a

Jeanne d'Arc Living 2010 Issue #1 And A New Jeanne d'Arc Living Book!

So here it is... the very first issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine for 2010 . And what a beauty is promises to be -- as usual. The photos below are just SOME of the beautiful images awaiting you on the pages of this glorious first issue of the new year. We should have the magazines here and ready to ship by at least mid-January. The magazine is available for pre-order HERE The next new item we're offering you for the first time is Franske Fornemmelser  the very large, very gorgeous garden/outdoor spaces book from Jeanne d'Arc Living. As the publishers so aptly put it: " for those who have already decorated their home in the charming Nordic-French style and wish to continue outside" The book is a large, hard-bound book filled with almost 200 pages of sheer garden/outdoor bliss. It is IN STOCK NOW and ready to ship -- find it by clicking HERE. Below are just a few of the stunning photos from the book... Last, we still have these vinyl "labels/stickers"

A Christmas List of A Different Kind

Thought I'd share a great list of "life-lessons" I got in an email from one of my sisters today... they're the kind of "sayings" that you might find inside a Dove candy wrapper... and believe me, I'm well-acquainted with the inside of Dove candy wrappers...   :) Enjoy... and I'll be back (hopefully later today) with pics of my  Christmas decorating for this year.   And let me tell you -- it is December 17th and do you know I am STILL NOT DONE? It's going to GET DONE today, though  'cause the stepping over, around and side-ways past mountains of  huge plastic storage boxes all over the house is  NOT my idea of  "the beautiful life" my friends.   :) 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.  2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.  3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.  4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.  5. Pay off your credit cards ev