
Playing with Paper

Many of you may be familiar with Coty Farquhar, the beautiful mind behind the Styling, on line magazine and beautiful blog of the same name which originates in Australia. A few years ago, Coty shared some Christmas dolls which she had created from paper and assorted collected vintage finds....she inspired me to fashion some of my is what I have been playing with! Please excuse the poor quality images...I quickly snapped them with my iPad this morning.     Felted Christmas balls, torn vintage tulle and recycled tissue paper and foil embellish them.... Bits of vintage lace are finding their way into the mix... They are keeping my mind off the drilling, pounding and hammering going on downstairs... I think they would look lovely as a tree topper, or sitting on a vintage hatbox or fresh green wreath as a holiday decoration.... I thinking I would like to make a more primitive looking one.... The house is a clean palette for fresh greens and a more simple Christmas th



Les petites gens.


Week Two.....One Room Challenge

It has been a full and busy week....still waiting for the men in my life to move out the damaged bed and move in possible furniture choices from the carriage house....the colour board below is what I have in mind for possible fabric choices and colours... I replaced the damaged shelves in the bookcase and painted them.... More colour inspiration for this room, my refuge, escape, creative outlet.... ...a softened palette, with shabby Chanel.....( I know what you're thinking!! ) Really? ...carpet is creamy wool, sisal look....staying...possibly will add another area rug to layer...looking for roses on leopard background...very muted though.... Well, all I have for now.....this Saturday after my baking for our Thanksgiving dinner is done....I will begin to gently nudge the men into getting into the action....after I feed them some pumpkin pie!! I hope I have peaked your interest a little to follow sure to visit Calling it Home blog for updates on the other bloggers who ha

One Room room

I might be a bit late for this...I seem to have a severe mental block when it comes to linking and copy and paste.....I am going to give it a go, and see what happens.... ....small upstairs bedroom.... This is a spare, main floor bedroom, where my youngest son slept...during the renovation, we enlarged it...slightly, borrowing about two feet from the adjacent bedroom.. Since a guest room with a full ensuite bath is on the lower level, I felt two guest rooms might be a wasted space, but you never now, when a bit too much wine on a Friday night might necessitate unexpected lodging for one or more !! Seriously, I think the space should be used, and it would make a great studio. My goal is to shop from the carriage house, our outbuilding, which has become the repository for furniture and accessories I couldn't part with from my now closed shop and vintage finds....this challenge has prompted, and inspired me to get the room decorated and functioning...thank you, Linda, from Calli

Rustled pears...revisited.

This was the work in progress, last week, at attempting to bring a bit of the outdoors in....I was having guests for brunch and wanted a little decor to accompany the food...twigs and a few green branches from our woods... ....I had envisioned some tiny pears, still on the branch, to finish off the arrangement......luckily I found just the abandoned pear tree on one of the country roads near my home... .....the treasured, vintage French cookbook, below, under glass, was purchased at Refuge, my favourite home decor store, owned by Liz Hawley in Niagara on the Lake... It was pouring rain, when I saw the Bosc pear tree by the side of the road....but my garden clippers are always in the trunk.....I was totally drenched, but not deterred.... .....our country roads yield an abundance of material for anyone looking for some natural beauty to decorate with, especially this time of year....wild grapevines, gorgeous rose hips, wild sumac (beware of poison sumac!) and colourful twigs and gnarled

September of my life.....

September is birthday month around here....mine, my cousin Mary's, my husband's..... Our anniversary....I love this time of year... .....the lower terrace late this afternoon..... I feel a kinship with the Earth, Mother Nature....these days....her groaning bounty of goodness you see at every fruit stand, the grapevines laden down, the bunches waiting to be harvested...peaches, nectarines and pears, all ready for preserves or just juicy enjoyment!   My own garden, offering up bursting blooms of faded hydrangeas, in just the perfect colours..the Japanese anemones, always flawless and abundant.... ....fuelling my imagination with woodsy, earthy settings of Mother Nature's priceless gifts to us....   ...from my Pinterest board Garden Views.... I begin to feel the urges of hunting and gathering...much like the squirrels and chipmunks outdoors... I begin to bake and cook....above a lemon torte in the making... .....and a chocolate hazelnut version of the same.....