Showing posts from December, 2009
The One Woman I Hope To Meet One Day...
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Rachel Barkey was a young woman with two small children who lost her battle with breast cancer early in July of this year. She gave a talk to a large group of women back in March of this year that has now been viewed/heard by countless thousands of women via the website Death Is Not I was introduced to Rachel and her story sometime last Spring via another site I frequent (John Piper's website, Desiring God ) and have watched/listened to the video of her talk that day in March so many times I have honestly lost count. If I had to guess, I'd say I've heard it and absorbed it no less than 50 times. Rachel's words go straight to the heart of women -- what moves us, what we value, and how we view ourselves. Those in my life often hear me speak of the need to "hold things in this life very loosely" - and to "never lose sight of the bigger picture that our lives are" and to steer clear of the kind of thinking that is bound up in what we con...
Merry Christmas From My House To Yours...
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My, my this has been a long time coming... and when you see the picture quality (or should I say severe LACK of quality) you'll wonder why I even bothered! ;) I snapped these pics last week and have only just culled through them and edited what I felt were the most "viewable" -- which should tell you a little something about how bad the rest were!! I took these pics during the evening and that was my biggest mistake, and since then I've just not found the time to go back and retake them -- and in some cases, I've alway tweaked some of the vignettes and I actually like the "tweaked way" better, but again, no time to do new pics -- but that's okay. But all in all, in kind of a little stroll through some of the house... we'll start on the porch then come in and peek into some of the rooms and around some corners... CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE SLIDESHOW The party we had last Friday night (given by my daughter and a friend of hers) was HUGE but a...
Jeanne d'Arc Living 2010 Issue #1 And A New Jeanne d'Arc Living Book!
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So here it is... the very first issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine for 2010 . And what a beauty is promises to be -- as usual. The photos below are just SOME of the beautiful images awaiting you on the pages of this glorious first issue of the new year. We should have the magazines here and ready to ship by at least mid-January. The magazine is available for pre-order HERE The next new item we're offering you for the first time is Franske Fornemmelser the very large, very gorgeous garden/outdoor spaces book from Jeanne d'Arc Living. As the publishers so aptly put it: " for those who have already decorated their home in the charming Nordic-French style and wish to continue outside" The book is a large, hard-bound book filled with almost 200 pages of sheer garden/outdoor bliss. It is IN STOCK NOW and ready to ship -- find it by clicking HERE. Below are just a few of the stunning photos from the book... Last, we still have these vinyl "labels/stickers...
A Christmas List of A Different Kind
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Thought I'd share a great list of "life-lessons" I got in an email from one of my sisters today... they're the kind of "sayings" that you might find inside a Dove candy wrapper... and believe me, I'm well-acquainted with the inside of Dove candy wrappers... :) Enjoy... and I'll be back (hopefully later today) with pics of my Christmas decorating for this year. And let me tell you -- it is December 17th and do you know I am STILL NOT DONE? It's going to GET DONE today, though 'cause the stepping over, around and side-ways past mountains of huge plastic storage boxes all over the house is NOT my idea of "the beautiful life" my friends. :) 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. 5. Pay off your credit cards ev...
"Music Monday" Is Back This Week...And Winter Begins Next Week!
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As Fall gives in to Winter next week, I thought I'd finally share this song that I have wanted to share for months -- first back in Summer (missed my chance) then for Fall (missed it again), so now here it is for you as we enjoy our last week of Fall (which for some of you already feels like Winter and for some of us still feels like Summer...). :) As the earth has seasons, so our lives have "seasons", as well -- each one possessing it's own unique opportunities, blessings, and challenges. The longer I live , the more I know that more than anything, I want to enter (and exit) each of life's "seasons" with much grace -- embracing and extracting each and every drop of life out of each and every minute of each and every season. I loved Fall and I am very much looking forward to the turning of Winter next week -- and who knows what this season will bring -- but may each of us rise to every occasion and step up to each challenge with poise and grace, res...
Just Sprinkled The Shop With A Few New Things...
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Just a quickie post to let you know, if you are interested, that we just added a few new things to the New Items page online... Well, okay -- now that I think about it, they are actually "blasts from the past" as they have been stocked before, just not for a while. A fabulous rust-finish and mercury glass "Bird Ball" hanging piece. The HUGE 2-foot square burlap French sack pillow covers . And a rustic Recycled Wood Display Box with Glass Lid. There is more to put up on the site, but, well -- it just isn't done yet. :) Still trying to get my own home decorated and maybe even consider shutting off shipping of orders soon -- so I can tend to some very important family matters... I'll post more later -- truly I will -- but for now, if you don't hear from me as much, or you call and can't get me as readily at the shop, or your emails don't get replied to quite as swiftly, it's not that I don't care -- it's that I have something I very ...
Let's Try This Again...Encouraging Words For My Jeanne d'Arc Living Devotees
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This is going to be a SUPER short post, but I felt it was important to send out the word that we are NOT giving up on carrying our beloved Jeanne d'Arc Living line forever!!! We are only in a short hiatus of sorts and when they company in Denmark gets things all squared away with the U.S. rep that they are in negotiations with even now, we'll be among first knocking at their door with a big old order for their products!! So, consider this just a short blip in the timeline of our history and future with the Jeanne d'Arc Living company. AND... While we wait for the finalization of the U.S. rep/Jeanne d'Arc Living details and merger, The Beautiful Life definitely WILL continue to offer you each new issue that they continue to print for their European markets. Yes, the magazine will be a bit higher in cost per issue, but again, I'm hoping that once we are able to deal directly with JDL's new U.S. team, even that cost will go back down where it belongs. SO.... How d...
We've Wrapped Up The Giftwrap Giveaways!
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{Beautiful rosette candle holders sold here . I chose this picture mainly because I just think it's beautiful. That's all. :) } Congratulations to Jackie of Wren's Nest and Nancy of The Feathered Nest ! Jackie will get the Eiffel Tower ensemble and Nancy will get the grey Jeanne d'Arc Living ensemble. And that about wraps it up! {Pun INTENDED} Thank you to all who played along -- and as always, don't worry if you didn't win this one. There is always another giveaway just around the corner!! :) You can never tell who's number will come up and be chosen -- next time it might just be YOU! Wishing you a wonderful 1st December weekend! Stay warm! ~Ruth~
"It Is With Heavy Heart...." breaking news to you...
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Oh ladies... how do I even say this... This morning, I sat down with coffee in hand just, like every other morning, and began the task of perusing my emails... What's this? An email from my favorite people at Jeanne d'Arc Living! I always open their emails first! :) Click. Open... Heart sinks.... Cannot believe what I'm reading... Oh how can it be? I think the universe could hear the sigh that came from my gut... December 3 rd 2009 Dear customer We regret to inform you that we unfortunately no longer will be able to sell our products to customers in United States of America. Thank you for understanding and showing interest in Jeanne d´Arc Living. Did you just have the same reaction that I had? {I shortened the email, deleting non-pertinent details and left just the "bottom line"} I'm at a loss for what to tell you. I will say this -- I had a very, very nice long talk with a very, very nice chap at Jeanne d'Arc Living very, very early this morning...