
Showing posts from February, 2011

Now this is cool.... Turn Your Blog Into A Book!

I don't pretend to think that my blog is worthy of  being book-bound, but... some of you have blogs that are just TAILOR-MADE for this!! My friend Cheryl mentioned this site one day on Facebook and I was enthralled! The site is called BLURB  and she says her daughter, a young mother of several children, blogs regularly all year long about family life, schooling, etc... and then prints it all out in book-form at the close of each year. Brilliant. When you think about it, so many of your blogs are filled with the everyday -- the precious, sweet minutia of life that 10, 15, 20+ years from now you'll wish you could  replay, revisit. Think of how wonderfully everyday life is chronicled here on our blogs --- what if with the start of every new year, you could just book-bind your entire year's blogging? It's the best of scrapbooking and blogging rolled into one! You end up with a beautifully bound version of your blog  and you have it for keeps. What fun! If you're newly ...

Good Friday Morning To You... Can I Pass You Some Banana Bread?

I am still here at home before heading over to attend to  "shop duties" for the day, and I thought I'd invite you to my kitchen table for an impromptu slice of fresh-from-the-oven banana chocolate chip bread and some coffee or hot tea. If you'd prefer, I can cook up some Irish oatmeal for you. Either way, as I sit here on my lap top, catching up on emails, blogs, and, of course, Facebook, I thought "Why not open the back screen door and invite my blog friends in for breakfast??" I took this quickie picture with my cell-phone so pardon it's lack of quality.  :) Yes, I was literally just taking the banana bread out of the oven and placing it on the metal tray to cool when I thought I'd just shoot a quick pic to upload to Facebook to say "Hi" to all my Facebook friends. So if you're on Facebook with me, sorry for the  duplication.  :) And if you are NOT on Facebook..... WHY NOT????  ;) Happy Friday to you ALL and please, have as much of th...

Hey Valentines! Shopportunity's Calling -- PICK UP! :)

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends! You love chocolate,  roses,  fancy dinners,  jewelry, and all that makes Valentine's Day,  well... Valentine's Day. But you know what we ladies also reallllllly realllllly like?? A sale and a chance to swoop in and snag that special something we've had our eye on forever, but we've been being "good" and putting off. Sweetie -- it's YOUR DAY today! For TODAY ONLY, sashay over to THE BEAUTIFUL LIFE and scoop up some "decor candy" for yourself   and through midnight take 25% off it all --  choose from the newest additions to the store  or shop the clearance section --  it's all included. Just enter coupon code: LOVE during check out and VOILA!  It's our gift to YOU!    :) Forrest Gump said "My mama always said, Life is like a box of chocoloates -- you never know what you're gonna get."   Well we say, scoot on over to The Beautiful Life and choose your own "gift" and know EXA...

Now THIS is clever! Look at the fun use this blogger/Facebook friend found for paper placemats!!

When you sell all kinds of beautiful things that you love, you know how you would use them, but it's ALWAYS way more fun to see how your customers  and others use them! So one day on Facebook (and my offer from my last post still stands, by the way, for you to join me on there!) Clarice commented that she had some of the PAPER PLACEMATS   we sell (she bought hers elsewhere) and had done a kitchen backsplash "facelift" with them! I begged for photos and Clarice supplied! She just did a blog post on HER BLOG   about the fun project -- you've gotta see it! (I love the name of her blog -- "Storybook Woods" ... so sweet!) We both agreed that the minute we laid eyes on this line of products (the line of beautiful paper products in this series) we thought "Oh I could use those for a craft project!!" I'm still looking for time to do mine. Clarice already did hers!   Here's a sneak peek! Enjoy your Valentine's Day weekend!! You guys hold a very ...