
Showing posts from April, 2013

Счастье есть!:)

Много писать не буду, тут все видно:) Замечательная Татьяна (и я сейчас не про себя;)) сотворила мне эту чудо-сумку! Все мое: размер! (Данька туда спокойно влезет), цвет, горошковые трусики и торчащие усики, уиииии:))) Танюша, спасибо большое!:)))

A thing of beauty....

I remember reading something once about Jacqueline Kennedy, that one of her goals of motherhood was to bring culture and beauty into her children's lives...this stuck with me for some reason. I have two sons, grown young men, who no doubt have views of their own about culture, oblivious to the beauty that I see....   Recently, I sent this photo to my youngest son...from Pinterest..he has been thinking about getting a dog...he is so busy, working with his brother running a business, playing hockey, and finding time to play the dating game...I hoped that subtley , I could show him the beauty of a relationship between a pet and his master...even though we had several pets while they were growing up, inevitably the brunt of pet care fell upon my husband or myself....the beauty of this photo touched me...happily it did the same for him....   Simple, extraordinary beauty is all around us. I am fortunate to be surrounded by the beauty of Nature every day, it has inspired me ...

Detail oriented....

My eye is always drawn to small details, touches that capture the special quality of an object, insignificant perhaps in the grand scheme of things, but none the less apparent to me...this is especially true in the garden.... The tiny green flower heads from a deciduous shrub have blown into a small bird bath and added a little touch of detail to an outdoor vignette...In direct competition with full blown white peonies in a vintage silver jug..... Weathered and aged garden ornaments softened by late afternoon light add detail to an entrance way...     Adding a corona trellis to a planter with fledgling annuals in early Spring adds detail to a garden urn..... Although the stone steps are holding there own in this corner of the garden, this rather formal garden accent adds detail to the soft ivy border..... I love the small wisps of tiny fern fronds which add detail to the base of this rusted and weathered planter... Adding accent planters to each side of the...

Les petites gens.


Les petites gens.


The Bliss of Blogging....

A few weeks ago, while reading my blog list....which I always indulge myself with late at night after the day is done, I was delighted and inspired by Keri's post from Ivy Clad. She shared her recipe for a lemon, butter cake, deliciously drizzled with lemon icing sounded divine, so I marked it!  I thought my family would be lucky recipients of Keri's simple but delicious cake...I took it one step further and decided I would use the recipe in cupcakes instead, and fill them with my lemon curd.... As chance would have it, my friend, Jermaine from the blog French Kissed, was sharing her recipe for embellishing lemon cookies with candied violets from her California garden...I knew that would not likely happen here !! However, I did find some tiny purple violets at the florists last week....and my plan came to fruition!! Keri's lemon cake recipe, paired with Jermaine's sugared violets...blogging at it's best!   I was quite happy with the results, and they got ...