
{Jeanne d'Arc Living 2010 Issue #2 UPDATE...}

{Photo courtesy of} Well.... It is Tuesday afternoon, now past the time we would have gotten any UPS deliveries for the day.... No magazines. I PROMISE...  the minute they arrive,  we'll be all over them to get them  disbursed back out to all our pre-order customers. But, can't do a thing until our replacement issues arrive, so remember how on the   previous post telling you about the shipping mix-up (Danish text received instead of English) I was all about turning those lemons into lemonade? Well... Since we're still waiting, and it's kind of like a few more lemons. How about PIE?? Anyone up for lemon pie? (wink-wink) All kidding aside, I am as anxious as all of you to get my hands on the ENGLISH version of the  magazines so that  YOU  can get YOUR  hands on them. Now... let's pass our plates and HAVE SOME PIE! {Photo courtesy of Bon Appetit} :) {Goodness gracious that slice looks GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT!} Thanks so much for your patience!! ~RUTH~

Little Bit o' Sunshine -- Little Bit o' Everything :)

So... When we last "spoke" I was in the midst of making lemonade and it was SOOO cool and refreshing.   Thanks for joining me in that.   Now it is late Sunday evening and I'm thinking of a few things I want to  share with  you before I get caught up in the week's "black hole" as sometimes happens. First, I got THREE blog awards, people!   WOW! Who's happier than me??   NOBODY! I am feelin' the love big time here!   :) I got this bright, cheery  "Sunshine" award from  Robin King of Robin King Designs AND from Deb Kennedy of Hummadeedledee Big, Big thanks to you BOTH!!! Please be sure and visit both their sites -- you'll be amazed and so happy your discovered them  (if you haven't already!). I also got this  "Sugar Doll" award from my sweet friend  Teresa Lee of Dreaming In Pink With Roses I just love Teresa -- she and I have a friendship that started with us visiting each other's blogs, and her being a customer, and th

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Jeanne d'Arc Living Issue #2 (A.K.A. Would you like some lemonade?)

So.... Less than 24 hours ago... I jotted out a quickie post to let you know that the new issues of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine had just hit our doorstep (literally). My how things can change while you're sleeping... So here's the deal: I awoke to an email from the good folks at  Jeanne d'Arc Living... Here's what it said: Did you receive your magazines yet?? It seems that something went wrong when the freight company packed the magazines, so that many of the US shops received the Danish issue.  Please let me know if yours are correct. Have a nice week-end. Mange hilsner | Kind  regards I read the email at about 6:30 AM and immediately fled over to the office where the cases were sitting waiting to be opened and mailed out today... Yep... every last box... Kan du sige Dansk? ? {Can you say "Danish"?} The good news is, I think they have already mailed out replacement cases for us and we should have them possibly as soon as Monday. That's not too big of

They're Here....!

The 2nd issue of 2010 of Jeanne d'Arc Living arrived today in many boxes! :) This means that if  you pre-ordered this new issue, it will be winging it's way to you in the next day or two!!! Let the wrapping/packing/shipping begin!! If you would like to order a copy, they can be found HERE Just thought you'd like to know! :) ~RUTH~

Songs In The Key Of Life...

I don't have as much free time as I did maybe 10 years ago... and that's okay -- I love what I'm doing now. But every now and then,  I pass by the room where my piano is and I sort of sigh to myself  and wonder what ever happened to the hours I'd spend  sitting there playing just for myself... no one home --  just playing for the sake of playing. I decided today that those keys and I will get reacquainted... My sheet music is hopelessly out of date,  but that's okay because I enjoy picking out a tune on the piano from memory and though I'm not great at it, I can somewhat  just play by ear  (hear a song enough times and then sort of knock it out on the piano) so for now, I'll make do and play t he music in my soul... There are many such "lost arts" of mine -- glass painting drawing dance sewing floral arranging crafting of all kinds... But for now,  I'll turn my attention to one of my greatest loves of all -- music. Do you have a "lost

Two Finger Ringer

I am probably late to the game again (so what's new?) but until today, I had never seen a two-finger ring -- have you? Pretty cool! As web surfing often does, my online "travels" this morning led me to the Etsy shop of  "Hammered Heather". {Yes -- Etsy strikes again} She has a few different styles of these double-rings  but also very nice bracelets, necklaces, earrings and other things that she crafts herself. Check her out if you'd like -- it'd be a  fun way to "RING" in this new week! ~RUTH~

Sending You XOXO's...

Happy Valentines Day  to  each of you who takes the time out of your busy lives to read this blog... Whether it's every post or once every few months... I wouldn't have this blog if it weren't for YOU. I'm thinking of you on this Valentine's weekend, and wishing I were sitting across from you just chatting away over coffee. Just wanted you to know... You are loved. You are appreciated. :) With love, ~Ruth~