
Just thinking....what's next??

Today, just like everyday, I went back to check on the progress of the renovation to our home in Jordan... I like to go on the weekend, when all the trades are absent, and I can look at what has been done through the week, alone, without company or observation... It was a wet, drizzly and foggy day today, not looking like Christmas at all... The light coming in through the big, new windows was a flat, dull grey... but I liked the way it played off the walls, and the paint colour I had chosen, Cake Batter. I thought it would work nicely with the greens and whites I like to decorate with at Christmas, and the newly upholstered sofas, now renewed with a creamy cotton duck fabric. Two tufted, vintage bedroom chairs will join them, recovered in a green pastoral toile fabric. To date that is really all I have decided to do until we move back in.   It's been a learning curve these last few months, every little detail must be considered to avoid disappointment and worse, mistakes you have

Les petites gens.


Les petites gens.


Making a list....and deleting it twice!

I am not a big list maker, but since I have had an iPhone, the Notes app has become my best friend...gone are all the lists of groceries and to do's of holidays gone by...instead everything I need to do is hidden away and available at a touch of the screen...thank you Mr. Jobs... Food takes top priority at my house, after decorating....first priority at my sister's house...before decorating! It is always a source of friendly discussion between the two of us! Today, I did just that...made to buy, baking supplies to buy, stocking stuffers, etc. and I actually managed to DELETE a few off the list...and it is only Dec. 3rd! Last year was the first time I decided to make a trifle, not really Italian, but we do have husbands who are of English and Scottish I made a Black Forest Trifle last can see it pictured was lovely, but not really a big seller... What is requested, however, every year by our husbands, is mincemeat pie or ta

Les petites gens.

Рост - 25 см. Год рождения - ноябрь 2012 Материалы - хлопок, вельвет, трикотаж, флис, пряжа, иск. мех. Волосы - шерсть.

Les petites gens.

Les petites gens. Рост - 25 см. Год рождения - ноябрь 2012 Материалы - хлопок, вельвет, трикотаж, твид, пряжа. Волосы - шерсть.  Скворечник - картон (делала не я:) Стоит сама:)

Cake Batter

Today I chose the colour for the paint of my interior walls, Benjamin Moore's Cake Batter. I decided I would just use one colour throughout the entire main floor, including bedrooms, bath, main entrance hall and kitchen/living area. I am still feeling a little unsure about the whole thing!! But the show must go on!!!   I thought I would do a post on the feeling I hope the colour will bring to my new interiors, through a series of photos taken of my home last will never be like this again.. Hopefully this will be a good thing!   The colour Cake Batter, besides having a yummy name, is a very soft, milky colour with a lot of depth....   Because we live in the woods, the shadows and ombre effects played by the light filtering through the trees and coming in the windows, the paint changed colours almost by the hour after we applied a sample colour on the wall...   The vintage crochet lace on ecru linen I used as a cuff for this stocking last year, is a most perfect colour