
Typepad Hates Me --- Part Deux

{Image courtesy of Google} This will be a short post -- because partly because it's still "workin' time" & I probably should stay focused... (hee-hee!) and partly because I don't want to belabor this whole  "Poor me, why won't my computers open Typepad blogs?" thing. But I just wanted to remind any of my sweet friends who have a Typepad blog --- I AM NOT DISSING YOU -- I PROMISE! You might remember a post I did on this very thing last November (CLICK HERE)   and since then things really haven't improved. I'd give anything to open your blogs -- I see the post titles and just a few lines of the post itself and maybe a picture if there is one, and that's it. I typically try to find the "bigger reason" behind whatever is frustrating me  at any given time -- perhaps a life lesson I'm supposed to glean from it... What do you suppose this on-going fight between Typepad and my computers  is supposed to be teaching me?? :) Okay,

"Yummy" New Pretties In The Store & A PRETTY YUMMY New French Macaroon Site!!

I've gotten so many emails asking when the new things we've gotten in  are going to be up for sale on the site.... TA - DA!! Fait accompli! Click over to the  NEW ITEMS PAGE to see! Among the things you'll find there are a supply of the current issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine   in Danish text offered at less than half off the price of the English version. Take advantage of the shipping/import mishap and snap up a copy -- you may not be able to read it (or, perhaps you can!) but they say pictures are worth a thousand words anyway, right? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The other thing I wanted to tell you about is this FABULOUS new site where you can purchase HOMEMADE FRENCH MACAROON COOKIES! {Cookie/Cake photos below courtesy of Patisserie Amelie} You'll want to head over to   PATISSERIE AMÉLIE! It's so funny, because I've read blog post after blog post over the years featuring pictures of these MOST GORGEOUS cookies, the likes of

Blogging... From A Man's Perspective: Ladies, Meet "James"

{This is the profile picture associated with  "James'" blog called  Man of the 50's.} Ladies,  I think it's fair to say that, whether intended or not, we gals seem to have monopolized the world of blogging. Perhaps it has to do with the notion among some  (mainly our male counterparts) that we girls simply have more talking to do than men?  Or perhaps it is that many times we might be, by nature, more social creatures, thriving on relationships a bit more than they...? Whatever it is that has causes females to dominate the blog-writing out there,  you must admit, it is rare that we run across a journal-type blog that is authored by a man. Sure, there are blogs run by men... they are typically the techno-related blogs or the more political "cause-related" blogs, etc. but as far as blogs go that are about family, home, and just general "life", you just don't find many of the written by men. But the other day, I stumbled across such a blog  an

Scenes from the afternoon...

Thought I'd share two shots I took today - both totally spur-of-the-moment shots: This one, directly out my back kitchen window as  I stood at my kitchen sink.... It took the picture because I have been struck by the  indecision of our vegetation this time of year. You'll note that we (finally) have pretty red "Fall" leaves, some skeleton-type trees whose branches are completely bare, and in the foreground, the Cypress trees are now filled completely back in with their new Spring leaves... The green expanse you see in the middle is our pond... UGH... We are having a terrible time with duckweed and we  simply have to wait for the weather to warm up a bit to treat it. Until then, our pond resembles a putting green.   :) The second picture was taken directly out my front door as I was on my way into our home office/den to sit down at the computer. I captured our sweet dog Nick and his best-bud cat, Bugsy. They joined forces immediately upon meeting -- Bugsy as a weeks-ol

I Think They Created This Just For Me! (Yes, this will be about coffee...)

{I have this picture mounted in the kitchen area of the shop office...} Did you know that March  is officially National Caffeine Awareness Month? Are you thinking I must surely be the spokesperson for it as Deb Kennedy of Hummadeedledee suggested I could be...? (I'm available, call me!)   :) In view of this, here are a few tidbits (coffee-related, of course) that I thought you might enjoy courtesy of My . The Perks: Health Benefits of Coffee Get the latest information about the ways that drinking coffee can improve your health. Photo: Lee Harrelson; Styling: Virginia Cravens Houston By: Laurie Herr When it comes to life's necessities, many of us would say a good cup of coffee ranks pretty darned high – right up there with shelter, friends, and comfortable shoes. But there's more to love about your morning java than its alluring aroma or friendly kick. Once maligned (too much caffeine! the devil's brew!), coffee is now being praised as a kind of health food,

They Came! They Came! English Text Jeanne d'Arc Mags are HERE!

Boxes. Lots of boxes. ALL containing gorgeous, beautiful ENGLISH-TEXT magazines!! WOO-HOO!! {Insert Happy Dance Here!!} Off I go to start working on getting them out to all my  SUPER-PATIENT pre-order customers!! If you don't hear from me in a few days,  it's because I'm wrappin', packing' and shippin'! Take care and be watching your mailboxes!! YIPPEE!!! ~RUTH~

Got Girl Scout Cookies? Here's A Recipe Using The Lemon Sandwich Cookies!

Lemon Surprise Cheesecake Recipe Photo by: Taste of Home 100% would make again Read reviews   (5) Rate recipe I love lemon pie and cheesecake—and when I whip up this treat, I can have them both for dessert!—Karen Chesnut, Clarksburg, California This recipe is: Contest Winning Quick Rate Print Grocery List Recipe Box Email Share 12 Servings Prep: 30 min. + chilling Ingredients 1-1/2 cups crushed lemon cream-filled sandwich cookies 2 tablespoons sugar 1/4 cup butter, melted LEMON FILLING: 2/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 5 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup water 2 egg yolks, lightly beaten 1/3 cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel CHEESECAKE LAYER: 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1/2 cup lemon juice 3 packages (8 ounces  each ) cream cheese, softened 3/4 cup sugar 1 cup heavy whipping cream, whipped 2 teaspoons grated lemon peel Directions Combine the cookie crumbs and sugar; stir in butter. Press onto the bottom of a lightly greased 9-in. springform pan. Place on a