
Sorry To Say It, But...

Just had a nice big box delivered to the doorstep... FULL  of the "FABULOSITY" that I showed you a sneak peek of in the last post.... Well.... Sorry to tell ya, but  I'M KEEPIN' IT   ALL!!!!! Hee -- hee ... Just kidding. Maybe. ;) After taking one of everything out of it's packaging,  I heard myself saying  "This is MINE!" "Nobody's getting any of this -- I'm keeping this..."  But then I remember...  "Oops - I guess I shouldn't be greedy...." The large square block of French lavender soap... OH MY WORD... that's all I can say. The French ceramic match strikers -- OH MY WORD... again. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the paper napkins - they're gorgeous on BOTH sides!!!! Seriously... I may just keep that whole case of those... The bags of herbs are BIGGER than I thought they'd be... always nice. And they SMELL SO GOOD!!! Here is a VERY IMPROMPTU shot of the  "one of everything" I just opened scattered on my desk...

A Sneak Peek At Some New Things Coming To The Store...

Late this week, we'll be getting in the first round of some great new things ordered for the store and I thought I'd share a few of them with you: Jute bags of one of my favorite cooking/seasoning blends -- Herbes de Provence. If you're anything like me, you'd buy these for the bag alone!    :) Another personal fave of mine for decades has been French paper "cheese leaves" -- but I use them regularly for WAY more than just for when I'm serving an assortment of cheeses. I've used them under sandwiches, pastries, deviled eggs, biscuits/rolls, etc. They come in a generous amount per package and include an assortment of leaf varieties. These particular leaves will be great going into Spring! Giant square blocks of natural French soap  packed full of fresh lavender fragrance. You'll love them in the kitchen or the bath... Wonderful ceramic match strikes from France! We carried these before (in a slightly different pattern)  and we just could not keep th

The New Orleans Saints Aren't The ONLY Winner Tonight!!!

I confess... I did NOT watch the game. BUT! I asked hubby who won just a minute ago, does that count??   :) I went up to Starbucks for a while to "caff up"  so I could stay up and pick the winner of the French bottle rack tonight! OH!  I'm sorry...  Did you want me to tell you who won?? So... I was sitting there having my Grande Triple Breve Latte  taking a little time out and enjoying the whole scene at  Starbucks... OH!!  I'm SOOO sorry!  You don't want to hear about my trip  to Starbucks, do you.... you want to know who won!! Okay --- no more playing around.... THE WINNER IS: CATHY from MILLE FLEUR blog I sooo love doing giveaways!!!   I hope you enjoy your new "toy", Cathy! To all of you who entered,  oh how I WISH I could send each of you one of the bottle racks --- truly I do. Stay tuned,  there will be other giveaways. I've just passed my 200th blog post mark (the fact that I can yak about just about anything -- not so surprising) and I

Sharing The Love -- TWO Valentine's Giveaways

This giveaway is now over -- the winner has been picked... BUT stay tuned for other giveaways soon! As promised, it's time for another giveaway... no real reason - just want to.   :) So.... Here's what I'm thinking: Think you can use this big guy? If you'd like the full scoop on it -- all the dimensions and various ideas for what to use it for, CLICK HERE So if you are so inclined,  leave a comment on this post and get yourself  officially entered to win! I'll draw a name on Sunday afternoon, that way I can ship it out to the winner on Monday! If you'd like to pass the word via your blog, feel free!   ;) It's such a neat piece and is just  fabulous to have around for enteratining --  holds many, many glasses/mugs on the buffet!    When you're not using it for your swanky soiree, it is just as at home on your arts/crafts table  holding scissors, spools of ribbon, and all manor of other essentials of creativity! Hope you'll enter -- I'm thrilled to

The Last Items From Our Last Jeanne d'Arc Living Shipment Are Finally UP ON THE SITE!

Just a quickie post to let you know that the very last of the things we  still have lingering from our last shipment of 2009  from Jeanne d'Arc Living have FINALLY been  added to the site! (Click here to see them) WHEW! These adhesive vinyl numbers are really neat. They are super easy to apply and  REALLY VERSATILE since you can cut the characters apart  and use them really any way you'd like. They're about 16+ inches long x 3" high and are $19.99.                      We also have two pillow designs that are new to our store from Jeanne d'Arc Living! This pretty "La Cafe'olatte" pillow And... This fabulous, bold "MBK" monogram pillow Both come with a very high quality feather & down insert -- ready to toss right onto your couch or bed! As for our remaining stock of our other  Jeanne d'Arc Living things, well -- as you can imagine,  the stock is dwindling  and from here on out we'll try and keep the available quantities posted o

IT'S COMING!! Issue #2 Of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine!!

Oh yeah.... It's coming our way... Want to pre-order YOUR copy ? Or do you need some more pics to convince you? Yes... It's gonna be another big batch of Nordic-French EYE CANDY... Shipping in a couple of weeks... or sooner if we get them sooner. Isn't life grand?? :) Great way to start a weekend, huh? ~RUTH~

A Window Shade Project, A Book Search For A Customer, And Some New Items! WHEW!

So... long time no talk! Well, long time no shop talk.   :) To say it's been busy is, well a ridiculously crazy understatement. Life as we previously knew it (as in a few years ago) is gone, baby, gone. Hours spent at the shop/at my desk there are innumerable and I think it best to start getting used to it and realizing that it is the new "normal" and not just "a season of busy-ness" anymore! And you know what -- that's awesome. I'm soooo thankful and my heart is so full and blessed by it all. How can anyone NOT love working like this? I'm surrounded by all things beautiful and there is always a fun, "festive" vibe in the air -- could it get any better? Okay -- meeting called to order now, and we have some business to attend to!    :) FIRST ON THE AGENDA: I have a customer who is desperately seeking a copy of the Jeanne d'Arc Living book "French Atmospheres" and it is no longer available anywhere that I can find.   We sold out